Cantori is an auditioned choral ensemble located in Williamsburg, Virginia. The singers in Cantori enjoy being part of a small, interdependent group dedicated to excellence in the choral arts. We perform secular and sacred music representing all periods of music history, from the Renaissance to contemporary, much of it a cappella. We invite you to hear excerpts of our singing taken from live performance, to attend our concerts, and to support our endeavors to bring the finest choral artistry to our audiences.
Cantori has openings for classically trained male singers who have blending voices and who are interested in being part of a small ensemble in which every voice is equally important. Cantori is known for its musical excellence, tight blend, beauty of tone quality, and a cappella singing. This quote is part of a review by the Williamsburg arts critic of Cantori’s Christmas concert: Cantori is a gem of a choral ensemble, the collective sound of which was pure, well-balanced and perfectly blended, especially desirable in a program calling for often intricate, close harmonies and a cappella moments when that purity of sound excelled. Based in Williamsburg, rehearsals are held on Sunday afternoons. Spring concerts are scheduled for May 5 and 12. For further information and to schedule an audition, contact the director, Agnes French, at